This Looks Like A Job For Homo Sapien. Part 2

June 14, 1995.

We will now go into the second part of the information about the job that the space people hope that we can do.......................................................................................................

Explorer Race Offers Accelerated Growth

Looking at this in the cold light, one might say that your job is to go out and disrupt. And that is not too far afield, because you cannot go to these advanced spiritual civilzaitons and share with them the rudimentary religious aspects of your lives because they are far beyond that. So what do you have to offer? Can you offer some great and powerful technology? No. They are far beyond your technology, most of them that you will contact. What do you have to offer? You have to offer what is essentially an accelerated growth cycle that comes about as a result of these people meeting you. For even if you don't go to their planet, if you meet just one of them on a ship, that person will be affected. It will alter their perception of reality, and they will go back and talk about this amongst their people. It will accelerate change, it will accelerate growth in their culture, and most importantly, it will accelerate acceptance of anomalies.

Do you know that in most extraterrestrial cultures anomalies are not only not accepted, they are rejected out of hand? You here on planet Earth at this time are the ultimate anomaly. You are made up of a mixed bag of many things, and as that mixed bag of many things you can not be typed. There is no individual on planet Earth who could be genetically typed as being say, all Orion, assuming your geneticists had the genetic code for Orion beings of this time, which they do not, though some of your scientists may have some of this information, but not all. If scientists had the genetic code for the Pleiades, Andromeda, anyplace, none of your people could be typed and identified as only this or that. Your genetic codes can be seen sprinkled about in the form of what is called a genetic anomaly, meaning a combination of various genetic codes that have created something new.

For ETs, Cultural Philosophy Is in Their Genetics

This is why you will tend to have first contacts with ceratin individuals from planetary civilizations where you personally have some portion of their genetic code. This means that there is some basis by which they can relate to you, because to them the genetic code is totally interlocked with their cultural program - who they are, what they perceive themselves to be, what they pass on to their young, and what they talk about in their contacts with others. In other words, their cultural philosophy. The cultural philosophy of many ETs is integrated with their genetic code. What does this suggest? It suggests that if an ET child were born and taken to some other planet, it would have ingrained within it the cultural philosophy of its native planet even if it were raised differently. What does that suggest? How may parents will say on your planet now, "We raised him a certain way. He was given all the opportunities to be this, that or the other thing, and he turned out totally different." (I'm not saying that this is the entirely the result of cultural philosophy within the genetic code of this indivdual that is an example or an anomaly of any of various extraterrestrial cultures, but it is a contributing factor.)

I'm opening a can of worms here for you to pursue in the future. It's important for you to know that you are not going out into space to become saviors. You are really going out to shake things up! Your neighbors in space have had a significant amount of time in which they could experience beauty, or the polarized feminine life, but they have not had much time in which they could experience growth. And your planet stands for growth if nothing else. What your're dealing with here is an accelerated growth curve, and it is going to be your job to go out and bring to others this accelerated growth curve - that's about it!

How Females Can Now Begin to Access Knowledge

Now, I mentioned the feminine because I was initially going to talk to you about the idea that feminine beings have with them gentics that are not associated with masculine beings. Instead all feminine beings on this planet now and in the future (and for that matter, in the past) have within them genetic forms and substances by which they can pull forward information, knowledge and wisdom from all extraterrestrial races that can support and sustain you through these final days of the end of your third-dimensional experience on Earth. I'll tell you right now how to access it: No matter what faith, culture, religion, nationality any feminine being is, if you can sound out loud the highest note (or tone) you can, then gradually move down the scale - it doesn't have to be perfect pitch - to the lowest note that you can sound, doing that every day at least once a day for two or three weeks, you will find that you will begin to have ideas, dreams and visions you have not had before that will have to do with knowledge from other planets. (This will not work for masculiine beings, only feminine beings.)

So the mixed bag of this subject today is designed to not only encourage you, to give you help and support, but to let you know that your job in space as the Explorer Race is not that far afield from the way your adventure writers perceive it now! As I say, your're not going to educate people about anything other than internal conflicts and contradictions that lead to growth. As such a lot of ET civilizations will perceive you as not very advanced, but they will find you very likeable because your've been able to assimilate things that no other extraterrestrial civilization hs been able to assimilate: contradictory attitudes, opinions and genetics that have yielded an anomaly which survives at all costs. You are the anomaly! Any questions?

JW We had better stop there because I hear some female, feminine women screaming.

Part 2.

Source of Information: SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE! P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, AZ. 86339; (602) 282-6523.

Remember: A critical spirit is like poison ivy - it only takes a little contact to spread its poison.

John Winston.

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